วันที่ / Date 13/03/2568
66.50 บาท/กก. (THB/Kg.)
วันที่ / Date 12/03/2568
1,560.00 USD/MT (@ B/USD)


Background of Thai Latex Producer and Exporter Association

Background in the years 1986-1987

       Thai rubber entrepreneurs have expanded investment for producing latex additionally a lot according to the requirement of world market which is increasing because there are problems of “AIDS” diseases. Later, about the middle of the year 1987, Thai latex producers had problems on export tax and duty to deliver latex abroad as the government collected tax in the rate which was higher than competitor countries causing entrepreneurs to be unable to compete with competitor countries. Latex manufacturer group, joining with Chamber of Commerce, proposed such problems to the government of HE Gen. Prem Tinsulanonda for acknowledgement. Later, Mr. Pramuan Sapawasu, Minister of Industry traveled to the area to know the problems from entrepreneurs in manufacturing latex in Nabon District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province on 14 August 1987 and on 21 August 1987, latex producer entrepreneurs proposed a letter claiming about such trouble to the government through Chamber of Commerce of Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. On 28 October 1987, the government approved for solving problems, by assigning Office of Board of Investment (BOI) and Ministry of Industry to approve for exemption to collect export tax, to latex producers for one year, (formerly export tax rate was 30% of sales price;) so they could compete with competitor countries.  

Establishment as a club

      On 28 January 1988, Concentrated Latex Producer Entrepreneur Group, led by Mr. Yos Phanpiphat, Chairman of Nabon Rubber and Latex Co., Ltd. and Group of Companies, held a meeting jointly at Thai Hotel, Mueang District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. The group aimed to see the necessity of joining together of entrepreneurs to help members in the group. Therefore, the group had unanimous resolution to set up “Latex Producer Club of Thailand” and the club was registered on 28 January 1988. There were all five founder companies, Thai Rubber Latex Corporation (Thailand) Public Co., Ltd., Thavorn Rubber Industry (1982) Co., Ltd., Nabon Rubber Co., Ltd., T.T. Latex and Products Co., Ltd. and Sricharoen Latex Co., Ltd. The meeting elected Mr. Yos Phanpiphat to be the first Chairman of the Club. Latex Producer Club of Thailand, therefore, is the place for exchanging opinion of members on several problems as well as messages in all matters, production technique, labor, marketing, foreign countries, as well as the government’s policy on rubber.

Establishing to be an association

      The association was established in the year 1995. The committee of the club discussed with each other to set up the status of the organization from a club to be an association, to bear increasing activities.

      Therefore, permission is applied to establish to be trade association and association permit was granted on 14 September 1995. It used the name: “Thai Concentrated Latex Producers and Exporters Association”. Mr. Tavorn Ruangwarunwattana, Chairman, Tavorn Rubber Industry (1982) Co., Ltd., to be in the capacity of Chairman of the Association, the first chairman. It used the office of Tavorn Rubber Industry (1982) Co., Ltd., to be a temporary working place. Later on 1 August 2004, it was assisted for a place from Thai Rubber Association, to be an office on 2 September2004. The company has registered change the name to: “Thai Latex Association”.

Providing a permanent office

      In the year 2009, the association assigned members to join in donating money for buying an office building, for being an office of Thai Latex Association on 24 December 2009. The building is at No. 60, Chotwithayakul 3 Road, Hat Yai Sub-district, Hat Yai District, Songkhla Province 90110. The association office was moved on 25 February 2010. The opening ceremony of the office was held formally on 29 March 2011.

Activities of the association

       For all 48 years of collection of latex producers until an association could be established as Thai Latex Association, the Association could make it as a center for doing business of latex and the activities have been expanded continuously until it is well known in rubber industry arena. The Association joins in activities in public sector, organizations in the country and abroad.

Administration and management

      6.1 The management team until now, has had Chairmen of the Association according to the following names:

Session 1, period of years 1996-1998 Dr. Tavorn Ruangwarunwattana
Session 2, period of years 1998-2000 Dr. Tavorn Ruangwarunwattana
Session 3, period of years 2000-2002 Dr. Tavorn Ruangwarunwattana
Session 4, period of years 2002-2004 Dr. Tavorn Ruangwarunwattana
Session 5, period of years 2004-2006 Mr. Vorathep Wongsasuthikul
Session 6, period of years 2006-2008 Mr. Vorathep Wongsasuthikul
Session 7, period of years 2008-2010 Dr. Tavorn Ruangwarunwattana
Session 8, period of years 2010-2012 Dr. Tavorn Ruangwarunwattana
Session 9, period of years 2012-2014 Mr. Apichart Phanpiphat
Session 10, period of years 2014-2016 Mr. Apichart Phanpiphat
Session 11, period of years 2016-2018 Mr. Chaiphot Ruangwarunwathana

      6.2 Administration Policy of Thai Latex Association

  • 6.2.1 To give cooperation to the public sector in every dimension to help rubber plantation farmers, so that they can sell rubber with fair price.
  • 6.2.2 To promote and create unity among members.
  • 6.2.3 To make Thai latex to have standard quality required by customers both in and out of the country.
  • 6.2.4 To coordinate with relevant working units in public and private and foreign countries closely for benefit of members and Thailand.
  • 6.2.5 To be source of important information and messages in several aspects to members constantly and modernly.
  • 6.2.6 To declare price of raw materials of fresh latex and concentrated daily.
  • 6.2.7 To operate activities of the association in the country and in foreign countries, as well as to visit and create relations with foreign customers.
  • 6.2.8 To be leaders, to cooperate and support research related with industries.
  • 6.2.9 To manage and carry out activities of the association, to comply with the provisions of the association strictly.

Number of members

      Presently Thai Latex Association has total 81 members, consisting of:

  • 7.1 Ordinary members, numbering 49 members.
  • 7.2 Extraordinary members, numbering 29 members.
  • 7.3 Honorary members, numbering 3 members, total 81 members.

60 ถ.โชติวิทยะกุล 3 ต.หาดใหญ่ อ.หาดใหญ่ จ.สงขลา 90110
Tel. 0 7455 9508 , 09 5065 2772
E-mail tla.latex@gmail.com, contact@tla-latex.org

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